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Hacienda La Puente

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Adult Education

Adult Education Campuses

Willow Campus

Dibble Campus

Hudson Adult Learning

Schoolwide Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Set Goals:
Students will define goals and set short-term objectives.

Achieve Skills:
Students will achieve measureable increase in skills, knowledge, proficiency and technology in their area of study.

Demonstrate Learning:
Students will apply newly acquired knowledge from their area of study to their personal and professional life.



Mission Statement

Hacienda La Puente Adult Education provides a comprehensive educational and career training program that helps a diverse population achieve their goals.

Western Association of Schools and Colleges

 CompTIA     Microsoft Office User Specialist  Council on Occupational Education   


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Administration - Adult Education

Executive Director:
Dr. Gregory Buckner

Director, Adult Career & Technical Education:
Micah Goins

Director, Adult Academics & Community Education:
Elbia Sarabia

Assistant Director, Adult Academics & Community Education:
Theresa Petersen

Program Administrator, Workforce:
Jorge Seccia

Program Administrator, Health Careers:
Valerie Clifford

Program Administrator, Innovative Rehabilitation Services:
Magy Gharghoury

Administrator of Counseling Services:
Rosie Sandoval

Administrator of Counseling Services:
Maria Tellez



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History of Adult Education in California

Through its adult education programs, California offers learners a diverse range of knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively as citizens, workers, parents, and family and community members. Adult education has been an important part of California's education system since the early years of statehood. The first recorded adult school was sponsored by the San Francisco Board of Education in 1856. Adult education in California grew with the expanding population of the state and was particularly responsive to the needs of immigrant populations. Through the years, California adult educators have provided leadership to the nation in the development of innovative instructional practices and creative educational solutions (