Partners in Your Child’s Future
Our Mission
The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District is dedicated to maximizing the talents, interests, and abilities of all its students, enabling them to meet the challenges and opportunities of a changing world. The district curriculum is based on the California State Frameworks. Classroom instruction is integrated, thematically applied, technologically integrated, and sensitive to the individual learning styles of students and the needs of the multicultural community we serve.
Our Guiding Principles
Our commitment to partnerships exemplifies our Board’s Guiding Principles. Our Board believes students, parents, staff and community have a shared responsibility:
- We believe students, parents, staff and community have a shared responsibility for the establishment of a professional culture built upon dedication, honesty, integrity, pride, perseverance, collaboration, teamwork, and mutual trust and respect.
- We believe students, parents, staff and community have a shared responsibility for recognizing the diverse learning styles and individual needs of our students and ensuring all students meet high learning standards.
- We believe students, parents, staff and community have a shared responsibility to create a learning environment reflecting our community's diversity that is safe, clean, supportive and responsive.
- We believe students, parents, staff and community have a shared responsibility to protect and preserve the short-and long-term financial well-being of the District.
Our Staff
The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District recruits the best certificated, classified and non-classified employees to conduct and provide support to its educational programs. Certificated employees are those employees who hold teaching and/or administrative credentials. Classified employees hold positions not requiring certification. Non-classified positions are those positions which do not fall under the certificated or classified service descriptions. However, non classified employees are handled by the Human Resources department.
Staff development is continuous throughout the year. Site staff development is ongoing, with many schools participating in a weekly early release day. District and site support programs are provided for teachers new to the district.
Our Schools
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District High Schools are among the best in the nation and have won many awards and honors, offering innovative and distinguished academic and athletic programs.
Our kindergarten through 12th grade enrollment is more than 22,000 students who reside within the district's boundaries--the cities of Industry and La Puente, and the unincorporated Los Angeles County areas of Hacienda Heights and Valinda.
The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District has seventeen K-5 elementary schools, six K-8 schools, four middle schools, four comprehensive high schools, one alternative high school, an orthopedic unit for the physically handicapped, and an extensive child development and adult education program. The district also maintains an Administration Center, an Instructional Services Center, a Multilingual Assessment Center, a Professional Library, and a Curriculum Lab. The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District is dedicated to maximizing the talents, interests, and abilities of all its students, enabling them to meet the challenges and opportunities of a changing world. The district curriculum is based on the California State Frameworks and California Common Core Standards (CCCS). Classroom instruction is integrated, thematically applied, technologically integrated, and sensitive to the individual learning styles of students and the needs of the multicultural community we serve. Elementary classrooms are self-contained and opportunities for team teaching are available. Middle schools offer both core and departmentalized scheduling. Classrooms are departmentalized for students in grades 9-12. Band, chorus, drama, journalism, and other student activities are also provided. A number of supplemental programs enhance the district's basic classroom curriculum. These programs include: special education, English language development, gifted and talented education, counseling, school improvement, and compensatory education programs.