Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
- Forbes Magazine America's Best Employers: California - HLPUSD Ranked in Top 50 (August 2020)
- Model School Attendance Review Board (SARB) (April 2019)
- U.S. Department of Education - National Blue Ribbon School 2017 awarded to Wedgeworth School (September 2017)
- HLPUSD honored by the California Department of Education for its Model School Attendance Review Board (SARB) Program (March 2017)
- Los Altos High School Students Win First Place in the 2016 Congressional App Challenge (March 2016)
- Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Placed on the College Board’s Gaston Caperton Opportunity Honor Roll for Expanding Access to College (February 2016)
- HLPUSD Featured For Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Excellence in Education Trust West report (September 2015)
- California Department of Education - Gold Ribbon Schools Awards 2015: Wilson High School, Newton Middle School Orange Grove Middle School, and Sierra Vista Middle School (.pdf) (May 2015)
- Valley Alternative High School Selected as Model Continuation High School 2015 by the California Department of Education (.pdf) (March 2015)
- National Blue Ribbon School 2014: Los Molinos Elementary School (October 2014)
- Education Trust West Honors Hacienda La Puente USD as High Flyer District (September 2014)
- Mesa Robles Middle School: Top 25 Finalist - Google Lunar XPRIZE race to the Moon with LEGO® MINDSTORMS®! (June 2014)
- California Distinguished School Award 2014: Sunset Elementary School
- Awards (.pdf)
- Department Highlights (.pdf)
- Facilities, Supplies & Equipment (.pdf)
- Professional Development (.pdf)
- Education Program Awards (.pdf)
- Glen A. Wilson High School selected as Finalist in the Siemens "We Can Change The World Challenge"
- Three HLPUSD High Schools Named America's Best High Schools
- La Puente High School awarded Honorable Mention in the 2012 Gaston Caperton Inspiration Award Competition
- Antonio Garza awarded the 2013 "Preschool Teacher of the Year Award"
- HLPUSD Schools named to the 2012 Honor Roll
- Doug Fore selected as a CALCO Award recipient
- Valley Alternative named Model Continuation High School
In The News