General Information
Office Hours
7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Phone (626) 933-8700
Fax (626) 855-3865
email: Facilities@hlpusd.k12.ca.us
Off Duty Phone Number
(when switchboard is closed)
Facilities Department purpose
The Facilities Department supports district and school site needs for grounds, custodial, maintenance, facilities planning, construction, and facility use.
Important Links
Integrated Pest Management Plan
Work Orders & Service Requests
School Dude - Please login to School Dude to submit a work order
If you are adding an photo that is 3MB or less, please try this link: (Max allowed 2 attachments)
Also located on your Quick Launch sidebar in School Dude called "My SchoolBuilding"
**Please note repairs/service of alarms, clocks and telephones go to NCS**
Nelson Artificial Turf
Nelson 21st Century Classroom
Notice of preparation of a draft environmental impact report for the wedgeworth k-8 school and residential development project and initial study for wedgeworth school
File WedgeworthISNOP.pdf (PDF)
Department Staff
Executive Director of Facilities
Leonard Hernandez, Jr., MBA. MA
Cynthia Jaquez - Secretary II
Ja'Londa Watson - Office Assistant
Custodian Desk
School Dude/Work Order
Facility Manager
Will Pedraza LAHS Quad
Chris Marquez LPHS Quad
David Castillo WIHS Quad
Duane Lowes WOHS Quad
Facility Supervisor (3pm-11pm)
John Gomez LA & WI Quads (626-543-3969)
Ray Hinojos LP & WO Quads (626-543-0931)