Clear Administrative Credential Program (CACP)
Clear Administrative Services Credential ACSA
HLPUSD is pleased to offer Clear Administrative Credential Program (CACP) and is one of the Local Programs affiliated with Association of California School Administrators.
Clear Credential Candidates will benefit from the following program components
- 40 hours individualized, on-site leadership coaching
- Highly trained, skilled, and successful Certified Leadership Coach
- 20 hours of individualized Professional Learning choice
- Cohort based collaboration and connectivity with new administrators throughout California
- Collaborative and supportive system for developing his/her induction plan and action step
The CACP is grounded in the CTC’s new Clear Induction Credential Program Standards and California
Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL). While Professional Leadership and Learning goals will
be individualized to suit your job and background, your coach will be working with you to support your day
to day work as well as develop and document measurable leadership application of the CPSEL.
All ACSA Clear Administrative Credential Program coaches are well trained, certified and up-to- date on current research, trends and policy issues. These skilled practitioners are carefully matched to our
candidates’ needs and committed to support the development and leadership capacity for long-term success.
If you would like more information about HLPUSD ACSA Clear Administrative Credential Program, please contact our office at (626) 933-4303.
Local Program Coordinators
Joanne Chan, Coordinator of Education Services
Dr. Rosa Isiah, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services
(626) 933-4303