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Parent Resources

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Having Conversations about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Talking with children about Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19):  Message for parents, school, staff, and others working with children.

Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus (English & Spanish). Child Mind Institute

Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resource. National Association of School Psychologist 

Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak. World Health Organization

Helping Children Cope with Changes Resulting from COVID-19

Calming Anxiety in Kids Click here

Controlled Breathing Practices for Adults Click for downloadable file

Understanding Traumatic Stress in Children

A resource for caregivers working with children who have experienced traumatic stress, including a definition of trauma and a close look at acute traumatic stress and complex trauma, developmental effects on children, ways for caregivers to respond, and the importance of self-care for caregivers. Compiled by the National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH).

Click below for downloadable pdf.

Traumatic Stress in Children

Free Online Tutoring
Tutoría en línea graits


Suicide Prevention Training


Hello, parents, guardians, and caregivers.  First and foremost, we hope you are doing well, staying safe and healthy.

The Office of Equity & Access has been in the process of implementing an important project this year with regards to suicide prevention, awareness of warning signs, increasing resiliency, and training of key people in the process. Most importantly, you, the parents, guardians, or caregivers. You are a crucial part of this project and process.

When schools closed to students and staff due to COVID-19, many parts of our school community were affected, such as our planned training events. However, the Center for Distance and Online Learning (CDOL) division of the LA County Office of Education (LACOE) recently developed and released a set of screencasts for online parent training. This training is focused on suicide prevention, awareness of warning signs, and increasing resiliency.  It is important to note; each segment is not meant to be a stand-alone segment, which means that we ask you ultimately to watch each of them in order and its entirety. By design, each segment is no longer than 15 minutes because you may not have an opportunity to view content like this for an extended period of time.

Additional resources are provided at the end of each segment. Feel free to share the link with others, because the more people who have this important knowledge, the better! Please remember that you can help prevent suicide.

Online Training Module Click here

Parent Segment #1

In this first segment of the series, the video highlights how parents are very important in the prevention of suicide, some of the myths surrounding suicide and prevention, and the importance of talking to their children.  In this segment, as with each of the segments, resources for support are provided at the end of the segment. 

Parent Segment #2

In this segment, the video focuses on the importance of safe messaging, using terminology when talking about suicide that will not have a negative impact.  Also, taking a closer look at examining some of the trends and statistics with regards to youth suicide in Los Angeles County, as well as across the nation.  Moreover, examining some of the risk factors which may lead to an increased risk of suicide, as well as protective factors, which are those aspects of a person’s life that helps protect them from going down the road towards suicidal behaviors.

Parent Segment #3

In this segment of the series, this video examines other risk factors which may lead to a higher risk of suicide, as well as more protective factors that students cope with emotional distress thus helping protect them from going down the path towards suicide.

Parent Segment #4

In this final segment of the series, the video examines some of the precipitating events which may be seen as a spark that, when the underlying risk factors are present, may lead to a student going down the path towards a suicidal action.  This segment also features warning signs (which are red flags that a child may be heading down that path), and what parents should do immediately if they become aware of those red flags.

This website is provided as a tool to assist in finding child care.  Once on the site, enter the zip code in which you are looking for child care, and it it will bring up a list of active providers in that area along with information as to whether they are booked or have space available.

From the results, you can click directly on the name of the provider and it will bring up a list of the following:

  • availability
  • capacity
  • contact
  • health & safety
  • resource & referral agency

Click on the image below to be redirected to the website.



*This website is provided as a tool only.  We do not endorse any of the providers listed through this service.

Student Housing Questionnaire

Are you experiencing any of the following housing situations?  Are you living in:

  • a hotel/motel
  • a rented garage or room in someone else's home
  • your car

If the answer is yes to any of the above, you may be eligible for addition support.  Please click the link below to compete the Student Housing Questionnaire.

Click here to complete the SHQ form




The California Parent and Youth Helpline provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 7-days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages.  For more information, please click the link below:

California Parent & Youth Helpline

COVID-19 Parent Resource Flier Click here

Helping Kids Handle Worry Click here

Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids Click here

Well-being Toolkit Click here