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Hacienda La Puente

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Gifted & Talented Education Program (GATE)

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Students who are identified as gifted/talented exhibit ‘excellence’ or the capacity for excellence far beyond that of their chronological peers. They require differentiated educational programs and/or services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to realize their ability to contribute to self and society.

Federal definition of gifted provided by California Legislature (AB1040) 

GATE Identification

All 4th grade students will be screened during the GATE identification process. Students who are new to HLPUSD in grades 5-8 will also be included. Potential gifted students are identified using multiple measures.

  • Teacher Input
  • Parent Input
  • CoGat Screener
  • School History

The California Education Code (Title 5, Chap. 3, Sec 3822) provides general guidelines for identification of gifted children, leaving the details to individual districts: 

“Each school district’s governing board shall define the ‘demonstrated or potential abilities’ that will be the criteria for giftedness in its district.” 

  Program Design

Elementary schools serve gifted students during the school day via the “cluster” model, with identified gifted students placed in a general education class.  

In the secondary classrooms, gifted students can be in Honors-level, Accelerated, and Advanced Placement classes.


Teachers use the grade level standards and core curriculum for all students, as well as differentiated instructional strategies, to challenge GATE students to their highest potential.

Each site is responsible for how instruction will be differentiated based on the needs of their students.


Teresa Magpayo Castro



California Department of Education

California Association for the Gifted

Greater Los Angeles Gifted Children's Association

National Association for Gifted Children

FAQs about the Common Core and Gifted Education

CCSS and NGSS for Gifted and Talented Students (PDF)

California Association for the Gifted

Greater Los Angeles Gifted Children's Association

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Prufrock Press