Student and Family Services SFS
Enroll Your Student- (626) 933-4335
TK - 12 Enrollment |
Transitional Kindergarten Information |
Enrolling for 2024-2025 or Pre-enrolling for 2025-2026 school year is now open! Click HERE to enroll your student. The step-by-step guide for Aeries online enrollment is accessible English / Spanish. To Enroll Your StudentStart HERE
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Please contact: 626-933-4363 Transitional Kindergarten is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and provides young learners with an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is tailored to meet their unique academic and social needs. In the 2024-2025 school year, TK is offered to students who turn five years old between September 2, 2024 through June 2, 2025. In the 2025-2026 school year, TK is offered to students who turn five years old between September 2, 2025 through June 2, 2026 |
Pre-School Enrollment |
Meal Applications |
Please contact: |
HLPUSD serves breakfast and lunch to all students for free school year 2023-2024 under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Families will NOT need to complete meal applications for 2023-2024. Nutrition Services, 15959 East Gale Ave. Bldg, C, City of Industry. |
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment takes place from Jan 1 – Feb 1: All Open Enrollment Requests will be done electronically. Please click on this LINK to begin your application.
If you have any questions, please email Subject Line: Open Enrollment
Inter District Transfers for incoming students are processed year-round: Obtain approved release form from your home district and take the permit to the school you’d like your child to attend. All transfers will need to be approved by the requested school’s Principal.
Student and Family Services
Student and Family Services fosters success in education for all students, promoting healthier lifestyles and positive school climate through our expertise in student support services.
The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Office of Student and Family Services Department supports the instructional programs throughout the District. Our main focus is the delivery of specialized services in the areas of enrollment, transfers, child welfare and attendance, custody of student records, discipline, health services, Section 504 accommodation plans, and the international student program.
Services Beyond The Classroom
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
HLPUSD is committed to healthy and safe schools, which is why we survey our students and staff sponsored by the California Department of Education. This year, HLPUSD will administer the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) January 15, 2025, through March 5, 2025, to all 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grade students. Please see the attach links for an example of the survey our students will be taking. If you do not wish for your child to complete the survey please notify your school as soon as possible.
Flu Season is HERE. Please remember to wash your hands and cover your cough.
For more information on when schools are required to keep students home please review the information below:
Dr. Karen Dabney-Lieras
Bernice Niesta
Annette Rodriguez
Amanda Cevallos
Vanessa Ortiz
Cirlyn Nadal
Edwin Monteon Alvarez
Maricruz Luna
Want TO attend HLPUSD schools?
Inter District Transfers for incoming students are processed year-round: Obtain approved release form from your home district and take the permit to the school you’d like your child to attend. All transfers will need to be approved by the requested school’s Principal.
Our Goal
Our goal is to provide support to students and families to ensure that all students graduate and have the ability to succeed in the global community. We encourage families to work with the school site to resolve any concerns you may have. The office of Student and Family Services work diligently to support families and sites to resolve concerns enabling students to have a positive and successful educational experience.
Student Family Services
15959 East Gale Ave.
Hacienda Heights, CA. 91716
Tel: (626) 933-4335
Quick Links
TUPE Parent Workshop Resources
TUPE Presentation (English) (PDF)