Parent Resources
Police and Safety
Tel: (626) 933-3899
Fax: (626) 933-3813
Dispatch Number:
(626) 933-3927
After Hours: (626) 934-4840
Emergency: 9-1-1
How do I report a crime?
In order to receive prompt and accurate service when calling to report a crime or other emergency incident, please have as much of the following information available for the dispatcher:
Remember: Stay on the phone. Remain calm. Speak clearly.
- What is your name and callback number?
- What is your current location?
- What is the type of incident or crime?
- When did the crime occur?
- Is the crime or incident still occurring (in progress)?
- Are they any weapons involved?
- How many people involved?
- Is there a victim(s)? If so, what is his/her name(s), if known?
- Are there any injuries? if so, what are they?
- Are there additional concerns or hazards?
WeTip: Anonymous Crime Reporting
WeTip: Anonymous Crime Reporting
Basic Purpose
The basic purpose of WeTip Inc. is to provide an absolutely anonymous crime reporting resource to residents, students and businesses throughout the entire Nation. WeTip has been established by citizens and for citizens, who have information regarding a crime but fear reprisal from the criminal they are turning in. WeTip has been created as an effective tool for law enforcement, not to circumvent law enforcement, but to help Law Enforcement and Corporate Security investigations. This tool is for the segment of the population that will not contact the law enforcement agency directly.
How WeTip Works
The informant calls the WeTip Hotline. All calls are Anonymous not just "confidential." Confidential means that someone knows your name and promises not to tell, until they are subpoenaed. "Anonymous" means that nobody knows who you are and there is absolutely no way to find out. We have no taping, tracing or caller ID. We have no way of knowing who the caller is.
The very first thing they hear is “this is the WeTip Crime Hotline, do not give your name or identify yourself in any way.” If at any time the caller starts to identify him or herself, the operator will interrupt telling the caller “I have to disconnect this call, please call back and speak to another operator.” The reason for this is that we absolutely cannot know who is on the other end of the phone line, but we do want the information.
Once the anonymity has been established, the operator takes the caller through a series of up to 65 questions to aid the caller. These questions have been developed through the aid of law enforcement and the purpose is to elicit as much information as possible. Many times the caller actually has more information than they realize.
What We Do
To accomplish WeTip's basic purpose, and to ensure it's strength, WeTip Operators staff the toll free, nationwide crime hotlines and Internet lines, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The organization will not be restricted by jurisdictional enforcement lines or perimeters, and is committed to sending all tip information to every law enforcement agency necessary. WeTip will provide the maximum amount of information possible to law enforcement to enable them to conduct an investigation based on the anonymous information. WeTip answers the crime call anywhere in America for Municipalities, School Districts, Corporations, Small Businesses, Housing Authorities and public and private agencies.WeTip actively and aggressively pursues training any and all entities that utilize WeTip's resources throughout all mediums available.
Are you the parent of a tagger?
As you drive to work each morning, you see the eyesore created by the overnight
activities of the most prolific group of graffiti vandals in your neighborhood. Do you
think of your own teenage son or daughter and ask yourself the question “Is my son or daughter involved in this criminal activity?”
Well, maybe you should! If you think that your kids could not possibly be taggers, think again. Taggers are generally members of small loosely knit groups of adolescents, many from middle and upper income families, whose primary source of entertainment and excitement is the vandalism of private property with “Tagger Graffiti”. Your child could be a member of one of these groups.
Some indications that your child may be a tagger are:
a. Your child stays out until early morning or all night.
b. Your child frequently wears a large back pack or baggy pants. Clothing may be paint stained. Packs and loose clothing can be used to hold paint cans or carry graffiti tools.
c. Your child carries tools used for etching glass, like, hole punches, rocks, glass cutters, screw drivers, awls, metal scribes or other sharp object. Your child may not be able to explain exactly why he or she has this in their possession.
d. Your child has taken up the hobby of ink making.
e. Your child has large quantities of magic markers, shoe polish containers, or other devices used for drawing.
f. Your child sleeps during the day and is active outdoors at night.
g. Your child has paint on the tips of his/her fingers.
h. Your child frequently has permanent marker stains on his/her hands.
i. Your child has graffiti magazines, flyers, a “piece book”, or other portfolios of tags.
j. Your child possesses large quantities of postal stickers, “My Name is” stickers or other large stickers used for “sticker tagging” or “ Slap tagging”.
k. Your child is in possession of graffiti paraphernalia such as markers, etching tools, spray paint, bug spray and starch cans. The bug spray cans are used to make tags that will only show up in the rain.
l. Your child is in the age group statistically associated with tagging, ages 12-18 (sometimes older).
m. Your child has graffiti displays or tags on clothing, binders, backpacks, and the underside of the bill of their hat.
n. Tags you see on the walls of your neighborhood are seen on your child’s walls, books and clothing.
o. Your child is frequently deceitful about his/her activities.
p. Your child has quantities of paint I cans but does not have the income to afford it.
q. Your child associates with other children with the traits described above.
r. Uses the internet to access pro graffiti websites and post on forum sites and communicate with other taggers. Often they use school computers to do this.
s. Your child has photographs of graffiti and tags on walls that look familiar to you.
Obviously, each of these factors, alone, does not necessarily point to tagging; however, together they make a convincing circumstantial case. As a parent you have a legal and moral responsibility to find out what your child is doing when he or she is not at home. If you do not know, you should find out for the child’s sake, as well as your own, since you may be civilly or criminally liable for your failure to control the child’s behavior.
Definition of Graffiti
Generally, graffiti can be defined as the defacing of public or private property by
painting, drawing, writing, etching or carving without the property owner’s
Report Graffiti
What is Sexting?
Teen Sexting Information
“Sexting” usually refers to teens sharing nude photos via cell phone, but it’s happening on other devices and the Web too. The practice can have serious legal and psychological consequences, so – teens and adults – consider these tips!
It’s illegal: Don’t take or send nude or sexually suggestive photos of yourself or anyone else. If you do, even if they’re of you or you pass along someone else’s – you could be charged with producing or distributing child pornography. If you keep them on your phone or computer you could be charged with possession. If they go to someone in another state (and that happens really easily), it’s a federal felony.
Non-legal consequences: Then there’s the emotional (and reputation) damage that can come from having intimate photos of yourself go to a friend who can become an ex-friend and send it to everyone you know. Not only can they be sent around; they can be distributed and archived online for people to search for pretty much forever.
Not just on phones: Sexting can be done on any media-sharing device or technology – including email and the Web. Teens have been convicted for child porn distribution for emailing sexually explicit photos to each other.
Many causes: In some cases, kids are responding to peer pressure in a form of cyberbullying or pressure from a boyfriend or girlfriend (they break up, and sometimes those photos get sent around out of revenge). Sometimes it’s impulsive behavior, flirting, or even blackmail. It’s always a bad idea.
The bottom line: Stay alert when using digital media. People aren’t always who they seem to be, even in real life, and sometimes they change and do mean things. Critical thinking about what we upload as well as download is the best protection.
What to do
- If a sexting photo arrives on your phone, first, do not send it to anyone else (that could be considered distribution of child pornography). Second: Talk to a parent or trusted adult. Tell them the full story so they know how to support you. And don’t freak out if that adult decides to talk with the parents of others involved – that could be the best way to keep all of you from getting into serious trouble.
- If the picture is from a friend or someone you know, then someone needs to talk to that friend so he or she knows sexting is against the law. You’re actually doing the friend a big favor because of the serious trouble that can happen if the police get involved.
- If the photos keep coming, you and a parent might have to speak with your friend’s parents, school authorities or the police.
Teen Signs of Drug Use
Teen drug use is a big problem for today's family. Parents of this generation need help to sort through the fast pace world that their teen lives in where they can get drugs online or meet up with someone who is dealing drugs via Facebook messages. And make no mistake, when your teen abuses drugs, the problems it creates will affect the entire family - breaking it apart down to its core. Self-esteem issues for the user's siblings and parents, life-skills not being taught, it is impossible for your teen to look to a future, medical problems and possible problems with the law just to name a few.
Please note that even though some of these warning signs of drug abuse may be present in your teen, it does not mean that they are definitely abusing drugs. There are other causes for some of these behaviors. Even the life stage of adolescence is a valid reason for many of them to exist.
On the flip side, do not ignore the warning signs of teenage drug abuse. If these signs, (not all in the same category), are present for a period of time, you should talk to your teen and seek some professional help.
Signs in the Home
- loss of interest in family activities
- disrespect for family rules
- withdrawal from responsibilities
- verbally or physically abusive
- Sight: Take a look at your teen. Are his/hers eyes and cheeks red and he’s/she's having trouble focusing on you? He/she may have been drinking alcohol. Are his/hers eyes red and his/her pupils constricted? That can be a sign of marijuana use. Does he/she have a strange burn on his/her mouth or fingers? That can signify smoking something through a metal or glass pipe. Is he/she wearing long sleeves in the middle of the summer? He/she may be trying to hide puncture marks that would indicate intravenous drug use. Has he/she begun developing nosebleeds? That can be one of the first signs of cocaine abuse.
- Smell: Marijuana, cigarettes and alcohol/beer all have very telltale smells. And whether you notice them on your teen's breath or on his/her clothing, they are reason for alarm – simply being around other teens who may be drinking or smoking makes it more likely that your teen will, too. Follow your nose – and don't forget that excessive “good” smells, such as breath fresheners, heavy perfumes and freshly laundered clothing (for a teen who's never run the washing machine in her life) can be as telling as the smells they're trying to mask. And make sure too that you take a whiff of your teen’s car – the smell of stale beer or marijuana smoke may linger in the car's upholstery.
- School Goes Downhill: Declining grades can be a stark indicator that drug abuse is occurring – especially if your teen typically performs well. If he/she seems to have lost his/her motivation, is missing homework, skipping school or forgoing the extracurricular activities that he/she used to be passionate about, that's a sign that there may be a drug issue. Lying and Stealing
Your six-pack of beer has suddenly turned into a five-pack. Your after-dinner aperitif tastes suspiciously watered-down. You're missing cash from your wallet, or a gold ring from your jewelry box. When a teen wants to get drunk or high, one of the first places they're going to go looking for “resources” is right within your house. If you begin to notice missing items, you must immediately confront your teen with your suspicions and let them know that stealing – whether it be $5 from your purse or a $500 necklace – won’t be tolerated.
When it comes to identifying the signs of drug abuse, the best rule to follow is this: No one knows their kids better than you. If you think something's going on, take the steps necessary to find out for certain.