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Hacienda La Puente

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After School Program

After School Facts: 

Students who attend afterschool programs regularly are likely to show improvements in academic achievement and are less likely to drop out of school. 

An abundance of research supports the need for afterschool resources for school aged children and their families. The current estimate of the number of children who care for themselves after school is 14.3 million (Afterschool Alliance, 2004)

The hours between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. are the peak time for juvenile crime to occur in California. Afterschool programs provide children adult supervision and keep them off the streets and away from negative peer influences. 


Web Links:

HLPUSD Adult Education

California Department of Education (CDE): After School Programs

Our Goal

HLPUSD's  After School programs provide an important educational and developmental setting for an increasing number of children and youth. These programs are free and offer opportunities for students to learn, develop, explore, and have fun beyond the normal school day.  The programs operate from the time the regular school day ends until 6 pm.

Our goal at Hacienda La Puente School District is to provide students with academic enrichment opportunities, physical and other activities designed to complement their regular academic program. We also aim to assist with literacy and related educational development services for the families of our students, all in a safe, clean environment. 

To register for the After School Program for the 2024-2025 school year please click on the link below. 

After School Registration


District Representatives

Elbia Sarabia - Director

Danny Hong - Assistant Director 

Elyse Lee - Sr Office Assistant

For more information contact: 
Hudson Center
626.934.6761 Office

Robotics Competition


It is a requirement of our ASES After School grant that we review our program annually and collect student data and how it impacts the after school program participants. Please click on the link below to review the 2023-2024 Annual After School CQI Survey results.


School Admin:


Vendor Staff:

The schools below offer a FREE District grant funded After School Program:

Parent Workshops 2024-2025

First page of the PDF file: 2024-25ChineseParentWorkshop
First page of the PDF file: 2024-25EnglishSpanishParentWorkshop